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safeDivide(double, double) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
Safe divide.
SAMPLE_ALL - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
The Constant SAMPLE_ALL.
SAMPLE_IS - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
The Constant SAMPLE_IS.
SAMPLE_IS_TRAINING - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
SAMPLE_IS_VALIDATION - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
SAMPLE_OOS1 - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
The Constant SAMPLE_OOS1.
SAMPLE_OOS2 - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
The Constant SAMPLE_OOS2.
SAMPLE_OOS3 - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
The Constant SAMPLE_OOS3.
SamplePart - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrder
The Sample part.
sampleType - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.customcondition.CustomConditionValue
The sample type.
sampleTypeToString(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
Sample type to string.
save() - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.files.SaveFilesTask
save(SQResultsGroup, String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.files.SQFileSaver
save() - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.webReport.WebReportsTask
SAVE_FINISHED - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SAVE_REPORT - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.files.RecentFilesAndPaths
The Constant SAVE_REPORT.
SAVE_STRATEGY - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.files.RecentFilesAndPaths
saveFileAs(byte[], String, String) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
Save file as.
SaveFilesTask - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.files
The Class SaveFilesTask.
SaveFilesTask(ArrayList<SQResultsGroup>, String, String) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.files.SaveFilesTask
Instantiates a new save files task.
savePath(String, String) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.files.RecentFilesAndPaths
Save path.
saveResultToFile(SQResultsGroup, String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.files.FileHandler
Save result to file.
saveResultToFile(SQResultsGroup, String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.files.NewFileHandler
Save result to file.
saveToFile(File) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQPluginSettings
Save to file.
saveToFile(WebReportSettings) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.webReport.WebReportSettingsFile
Save to file.
seconds - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.duration.TimeDuration
The seconds.
selectAll(boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.databank.Databank
Select all.
selectCmbxItem(int, JComboBox) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.items.ComboBoxIntItem
Select cmbx item.
selectCmbxItem(String, JComboBox) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.items.ComboBoxStrItem
Select cmbx item.
set(SQResultsGroup) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.EquityControlSim.EquityControlResult
Sets the.
set(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the.
set(long) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the.
set(String, Object) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.FlexibleSettings
Sets the.
set(String, Object, byte) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.FlexibleSettings
Sets the.
setAddCommSwapToPL(boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.loader.AdvancedLoadSettings
Sets the adds the comm swap to pl.
setAll(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.FlexibleSettings
Sets the all.
setAllowedExtensions(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.files.FileLoader
Sets the allowed extensions.
setBalanceOrders(SQOrderList) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResultsGroup
Sets the balance orders.
setBarLabelsVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQBarChart
Sets the bar labels visible.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.tests.TestOutput
Sets the category.
setCharts(ChartDefinitions) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the charts.
setDateFormat(String, boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the date format.
setDayOfMonth(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the day of month.
setDayOfWeek(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the day of week.
setDefaultTimeZone() - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the default time zone.
setDirection(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsTypeCombination
Sets the direction.
setDomainAxisLabelFont(Font) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQBarChart
Sets the domain axis label font.
setDomainAxisLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQBarChart
Sets the domain axis label positions.
setDurationDomainAxis(boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQScatterChart
Sets the duration domain axis.
setElitismSize(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the elitism size.
setEmpty() - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResultsGroup
Sets the empty.
setEquity(double) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.MoneyManagementSim.MoneyManagementType
Sets the equity.
setEvolutionType(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the evolution type.
setFactory(StrategyFactory) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the factory.
setFitness(SQResultsGroup, double) - Method in class
Sets the fitness.
setFitnessEvaluator(TreeEvaluator) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the fitness evaluator.
setFitnessFunction(FitnessFunction) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.databank.Databank
Sets the fitness function.
setHour(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the hour.
setHtmlTemplateName(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.OverviewTemplate
Sets the html template name.
setInfoLabel(JLabel) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.tests.TestTable
Sets the info label.
setInitialDeposit(double) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.loader.AdvancedLoadSettings
Sets the initial deposit.
setIntegerRangeAxis(boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQBarChart
Sets the integer range axis.
setIslands(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the islands.
setLoadType(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.loader.AdvancedLoadSettings
Sets the load type.
setMaximumResults(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.databank.Databank
Sets the maximum results.
setMiliS(long) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the mili s.
setMinute(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the minute.
setName(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.databank.DatabankAction
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.OverviewTemplate
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.tests.SQTestCase
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.tests.TestOutput
Sets the name.
setOrders(SQOrderList) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResult
sets list of orders for given result.
setOriginalOrders(SQOrderList) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResult
Sets the original orders.
setOutOfSample(SQTime, SQTime) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the out of sample.
setOutOfSample1(SQTime, SQTime) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the out of sample1.
setOutOfSample2(SQTime, SQTime) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the out of sample2.
setOutOfSample3(SQTime, SQTime) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the out of sample3.
setOutput(TestTable) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.tests.SQTestCase
Sets the output.
setOutputDatabank(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the output databank.
setPLType(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsTypeCombination
Sets the PL type.
setPopulationSize(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the population size.
setPortfolioRecognition(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.loader.AdvancedLoadSettings
Sets the portfolio recognition.
setPTRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the PT required.
setRandomNumberGenerator(RandomGenerator) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the random number generator.
setRandomSeed(long) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the random seed.
setRangeAxisLabelFont(Font) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQBarChart
Sets the range axis label font.
setReserveBars(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the reserve bars.
setResult(String, SQResult) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResultsGroup
Sets the result.
setResultKeysList(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResultsGroup
Sets the result keys list.
setResultType(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQChart
Sets the result type.
setSampleType(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsTypeCombination
Sets the sample type.
setScreenshotName(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.OverviewTemplate
Sets the screenshot name.
setSecond(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the second.
setSeed(long) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.random.MersenneTwisterFast
Initalize the pseudo random number generator.
setSeed(int[]) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.random.MersenneTwisterFast
Sets the seed of the MersenneTwister using an array of integers.
setSelection(SelectionStrategy) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the selection.
setSeriesColor(String, Color) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQScatterChart
Sets the series color.
setSettings(SQSettings) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResult
Sets the settings.
setSlotConfig(int, SlotConfiguration) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the slot config.
setSlotConfigurations(SlotConfigurations) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the slot configurations.
setSlotsCount(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the slots count.
setSLRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the SL required.
setSpecial(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsTypeCombination
Sets the special.
setStats(String, String, String, SQStats) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResult
Sets the stats.
setStats(String, SQStats) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResult
Sets the stats.
setStrategy(SQStrategy) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResultsGroup
Sets the strategy.
setStrategyLogic(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the strategy logic.
setSymbol(String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.loader.AdvancedLoadSettings
Sets the symbol.
setSymbolsTable(SymbolsTable) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResultsGroup
Sets the symbols table.
setTestOutput(TestOutput) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.tests.TestScript
Sets the test output.
setTime(int, int, int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the time.
setTimeToTSTime(int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Sets the time to ts time.
settings - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.EquityControlSim.EquityControlResult
The settings.
settings - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.MoneyManagementSim.MoneyManagementSimResults
The settings.
settings - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.MonteCarloSim.MonteCarloSimulationResults
The settings.
setTradeHandler(TradeHandler) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQStrategy
Sets the trade handler.
setTradingEngine(TradingEngine) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQStrategy
Sets the trading engine.
setTradingOption(String, boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the trading option.
setTypeOfRules(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Sets the type of rules.
setValue(String, Object) - Static method in class
Sets the value.
setValue(Number, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQBarChart
Sets the value.
setValue(Comparable, Number) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQPieChart
Sets the value.
setValue(Comparable, Number, Color) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQPieChart
Sets the value.
setValue(SQResultsGroup, Object, String, String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.databank.DatabankColumn
Sets the value.
setValue(Object, Object, String, String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.databank.DatabankColumn
setValue(SQOrder, Object) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.databank.TradeListColumn
Sets the value.
setValue(Object, Object, String, String) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.databank.TradeListColumn
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.items.ListComboBox
Sets the value.
setValueNoEvent(Object, ActionListener) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.items.ListComboBox
Sets the value no event.
SHARPE_RATIO - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
The Constant SHARPE_RATIO.
shortDateFormat - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
The short date format.
SHOW_INSTALLED_UPDATES - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
showExceptionDialog(Exception, String) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
Show exception dialog.
showExceptionDialog(Exception, String, Component) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
Show exception dialog.
showExceptionDialog(Exception) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
Show exception dialog.
showExceptionDialog(String) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
Show exception dialog.
showExceptionDialog(String, String) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
Show exception dialog.
simulationsList - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.MonteCarloSim.MonteCarloSimulationResults
The simulations list.
Size - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrder
The Size.
SIZE - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrderConsts
The Constant SIZE.
size - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.snippets.Trade
The size.
SQ4XmlParser - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.files
The Class SQ4XmlParser.
SQ4XmlParser() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.files.SQ4XmlParser
SQ_DATA_CHANGED - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SQ_DATA_ENGINE_CHANDED - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SQ_EXPORT_DATA_GET_SYMBOL - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SQ_EXPORT_DATA_SET_SYMBOL - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SQ_IMPORT_DATA_GET_SYMBOL - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SQ_IMPORT_DATA_SET_SYMBOL - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SQ_SUBDATA_COUNT_CHANDED - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SQ_TASK_RUN - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
The Constant SQ_TASK_RUN.
SQ_TASK_STOPPED - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SQ_UPGRADE_TO_PRO_LINK - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQCoreConst
SQBarChart - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common
The Class SQBarChart.
SQBarChart() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQBarChart
Instantiates a new SQ bar chart.
SQBarChart(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQBarChart
Instantiates a new SQ bar chart.
SQChangeListener - Interface in com.strategyquant.lib.plugin
The listener interface for receiving SQChange events.
SQChart - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common
The Class SQChart.
SQChart() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQChart
SQChartLibs - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common
The Class SQChartLibs.
SQChartLibs() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQChartLibs
SQConst - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.settings
The Class SQConst.
SQConst() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
SQCoreConst - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.settings
The Class SQCoreConst.
SQCoreConst() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQCoreConst
SQData - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class SQData.
SQData() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQData
SQFileLoader - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.files
The Class SQFileLoader.
SQFileLoader(String) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.files.SQFileLoader
Instantiates a new SQ file loader.
SQFileLoaderBinary - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.files
The Class SQFileLoaderBinary.
SQFileLoaderBinary() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.files.SQFileLoaderBinary
SQFileLoaderOldXml - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.files
The Class SQFileLoaderOldXml.
SQFileLoaderOldXml() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.files.SQFileLoaderOldXml
SQFileSaver - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.files
The Class SQFileSaver.
SQFileSaver(String) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.files.SQFileSaver
Instantiates a new SQ file saver.
SQGlobalEventMsg - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.plugins
The Class SQGlobalEventMsg.
SQGlobalEventMsg() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEventMsg
SQGlobalEvents - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.plugins
The Class SQGlobalEvents.
SQGlobalEvents() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQGlobalEvents
SQL_KEY_SHOW_SNIPPETS_ERRORS - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
SQLineChart - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common
The Class SQLineChart.
SQLineChart() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQLineChart
Instantiates a new SQ line chart.
SQN - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
The Constant SQN.
SQN_SCORE - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
The Constant SQN_SCORE.
SQOrder - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class SQOrder.
SQOrder() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrder
SQOrderConsts - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class SQOrderConsts.
SQOrderConsts() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrderConsts
SQOrderList - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class SQOrderList.
SQOrderList() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrderList
SQPieChart - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common
The Class SQPieChart.
SQPieChart() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQPieChart
Instantiates a new SQ pie chart.
SQPieChart(String) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQPieChart
Instantiates a new SQ pie chart.
SQPlugin - Interface in com.strategyquant.lib.plugin
The Interface SQPlugin.
SQPluginManager - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.plugin
The Class SQPluginManager.
SQPluginManager() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.plugin.SQPluginManager
SQPluginSettings - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.plugins
The Class SQPluginSettings.
SQPluginSettings() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQPluginSettings
Instantiates a new SQ plugin settings.
SQPluginSettings(File) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.plugins.SQPluginSettings
Instantiates a new SQ plugin settings.
SQPortfolioComputer - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.computers
The Class SQPortfolioComputer.
SQPortfolioComputer() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.computers.SQPortfolioComputer
SQResult - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class SQResult.
SQResult() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResult
Instantiates a new SQ result.
SQResult(SQSettings) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResult
Instantiates a new SQ result.
SQResultsGroup - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class SQResultsGroup.
SQResultsGroup() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQResultsGroup
SQScatterChart - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common
The Class SQScatterChart.
SQScatterChart() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.charts.common.SQScatterChart
Instantiates a new SQ scatter chart.
SQSettings - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.settings
The Class SQSettings.
SQSettings() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQSettings
Instantiates a new SQ settings.
SQStandardStrategy - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class SQStandardStrategy.
SQStandardStrategy(String) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQStandardStrategy
Instantiates a new SQ standard strategy.
SQStats - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class SQStats.
SQStats() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQStats
SQStrategy - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class SQStrategy.
SQStrategy(String) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQStrategy
Instantiates a new SQ strategy.
SQTestCase - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.tests
The Class SQTestCase.
SQTestCase(String) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.tests.SQTestCase
Instantiates a new SQ test case.
SQTime - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.time
SQTime() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQTime(Date) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQTime(Date, DateTimeZone) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQTime(SQTime) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQTime(int) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQTime(long) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQTime(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQTime(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQTime(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQTime(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.time.SQTime
Instantiates a new SQ time.
SQUtils - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.utils
The Class SQUtils.
SQUtils() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
STABILITY - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
The Constant STABILITY.
STAGNATION_FROM - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
STAGNATION_PERIOD - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
STAGNATION_PERIOD_PCT - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
STAGNATION_TO - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
STANDARD_DEV - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
The Constant STANDARD_DEV.
start() - Static method in class
startApp() - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.pluginsJarBuilder.AutoPluginsJarBuilder
stateEquals(Object) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.random.MersenneTwisterFast
State equals.
StatsConst - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class StatsConst.
StatsConst() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
StatsMissingException - Exception in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class StatsMissingException.
StatsMissingException() - Constructor for exception com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsMissingException
statsName - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.customcondition.CustomConditionValue
The stats name.
StatsTypeCombination - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class StatsTypeCombination.
StatsTypeCombination() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsTypeCombination
Instantiates a new stats type combination.
StatsTypeCombination(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsTypeCombination
Instantiates a new stats type combination.
Status - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrder
The Status.
StatValue - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class StatValue.
StatValue() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatValue
StatValues - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.results
The Class StatValues.
StopLoss - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrder
The Stop loss.
StrategyName - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrder
The Strategy name.
stringToFile(File, String) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
String to file.
stringToIntArray(String) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
String to int array.
stringToXml(String) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
String to xml.
stripExtension(String) - Static method in class com.strategyquant.lib.utils.SQUtils
Strip extension.
SubdataClose(int, int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQStrategy
Subdata close.
SubdataOpen(int, int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQStrategy
Subdata open.
SubdataTime(int, int) - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQStrategy
Subdata time.
Symbol - Variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrder
The Symbol.
SYMBOL - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQOrderConsts
The Constant SYMBOL.
SYMBOL_ALL - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
The Constant SYMBOL_ALL.
SYMBOL_ALL_AS_ONE_SINGLE_RESULT - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
SYMBOL_BALANCE - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
SYMBOL_PORTFOLIO - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.settings.SQConst
SymbolInfo() - Method in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.SQStrategy
Symbol info.
SymbolsComparator - Class in com.strategyquant.lib.comparators
The Class SymbolsComparator.
SymbolsComparator() - Constructor for class com.strategyquant.lib.comparators.SymbolsComparator
SYMMETRY - Static variable in class com.strategyquant.lib.results.StatsConst
The Constant SYMMETRY.
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