multiple trades 0 sg

3 réponses

jonatan sancho navarro

Abonné, bbp_participant, client, communauté, sq-ultimate, 7 réponses.

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Il y a 1 mois #287214

Currently, I have version 140.

I have detected that several strategies I generated with the builder show positive results, but when I test them with the real Darwinex spread, they turn very negative. After analyzing, I see that more than 70% of trade close in 0 seconds.

What filter should I apply to avoid generating these trades with 0 seconds? Is there any filter that can mitigate this? Thank you


jonatan sancho navarro

Abonné, bbp_participant, client, communauté, sq-ultimate, 7 réponses.

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Il y a 1 mois #287216

I am attaching a screenshot of what appears in the trades.

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jonatan sancho navarro

Abonné, bbp_participant, client, communauté, sq-ultimate, 7 réponses.

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Il y a 1 mois #287264

Any suggestions on how to solve it?



Administrateur, sq-ultimate, 2 réponses.

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Il y a 1 mois #287337

It seems those trades are close at the same bar. Do you use high enough backtest precision like “real-tick” or at least “1 minute” under Full settings -> Data -> Precision?


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