
Migrate data from version 138 to version 139

4 respuestas


Abonado, bbp_participant, cliente, comunidad, sq-ultimate, 9 respuestas.

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hace 3 semanas #286448

Can I migrate data from version 138 to version 139 by simply copying and pasting the data files?. I’m concerned that I might copy over the errors from the old version (138) to the new version (139) when replacing the related files. Could you please clarify if there’s a specific process to avoid this? (Please see the screenshot below)

Or is there a faster way to migrate data to the new version? Thank you.

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Administrador, sq-ultimate, 2 respuestas.

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hace 3 semanas #286465


you can use our new tool to copy the data. See the image

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Abonado, bbp_participant, cliente, comunidad, sq-ultimate, 9 respuestas.

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hace 2 semanas #286475

Muchas gracias



Abonado, bbp_participant, cliente, comunidad, sq-ultimate, 2 respuestas.

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hace 2 semanas #286486

And how can I copy my custom indicators etc??

Did you mind directly copy the user folder from sqxxxx to ssqxxx+1 (this procedure is not correct) or could it cause errors?

Can version 139 already be said to be stable? What does it correct in version 138? because I’m a little afraid to update from 137 because I detected that there were problems with the conversions when entering values ​​in the SL when you worked with xxxJPY or JPYxxx.





Administrador, sq-ultimate, 2 respuestas.

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hace 2 semanas #286508

You can keep all versions in separate folders. No need to remove

Unfortunately custom indicators are not being transferred by the import tool shown. This is a planned feature to have in following updates


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