
How can I add push notification for mt5 ea

1 réponses


Abonné, bbp_participant, 7 réponses.

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Il y a 2 mois #285338

Hey, I understand that I can assign a custom action, but what would I type for it to send a push notification to the mt5 app on my phone.

I already tried

SendNotification(“Notification text”);

but to no avail.

Maybe the action is different for mt5 than it is for mt4

Could anyone offer their expertise?  Thank you



Administrateur, sq-ultimate, 2 réponses.

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Il y a 2 mois #285393

Setup a Gmail / Outlook.com account

Make EA to send email to that address

Install Gmail / Outlook app into your mobile device. This way you will get instant nofitications


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