
Problem build strategy

2 risposte

Michele Mancini

Abbonato, bbp_partecipante, cliente, comunità, 7 risposte.

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1 settimana fa #286559

I do not understand why in many strategies found on “Results” –> “Source Code”

I have many strategies that do not generate code but returns:


Template inclusion failed (for parameter value “blocks/IsStrictlyLowerCount.tpl”):

Template not found for name “MetaTrader5/blocks/IsStrictlyLowerCount.tpl”.

The name was interpreted by this TemplateLoader: MultiTemplateLoader(loader1 = FileTemplateLoader(baseDir=”C:\StrategyQuantX138\internal\extend\Code”), loader2 = FileTemplateLoader(baseDir=”C:\StrategyQuantX138\user\extend\Code”)).


Traccia dello stack FTL ("~" significa relativo al nesting):

– Failed at: #include “blocks/” + key + “.tpl”  [in template “MetaTrader5/mt5Blocks.inc” in macro “printBlock” at line 486, column 27]

~ Reached through: #nested  [in template “MetaTrader5/mt5Blocks.inc” in macro “escape” at line 651, column 20]

~ Reached through: @escape doEscape  [in template “MetaTrader5/mt5Blocks.inc” in macro “printBlock” at line 475, column 10]

– Reached through: @printBlock signal?children[0]  [in template “MetaTrader5/mt5Blocks.inc” in macro “printRule” at line 393, column 97]

~ Reached through: #nested  [in template “global/globalFunctions.inc” in macro “compress_single_line” at line 2, column 47]

~ Reached through: @compress_single_line  [in template “MetaTrader5/mt5Blocks.inc” in macro “printRule” at line 393, column 48]

~ Reached through: #nested  [in template “MetaTrader5/Functions.inc” in macro “replaceBr” at line 4, column 18]

~ Reached through: @replaceBr  [in template “MetaTrader5/mt5Blocks.inc” in macro “printRule” at line 318, column 1]

– Reached through: @printRule rule, eventName  [in template “MetaTrader5/mt5Blocks.inc” in macro “printRulesForEvent” at line 307, column 1]

– Reached through: @printRulesForEvent “OnBarUpdate”  [in template “MetaTrader5\\Main.tpl” at line 261, column 1]




Amministratore, sq-ultimate, 2 risposte.

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1 settimana fa #286591

Thanks for your report. I have made a task for our dev team to look into this and fix into the next update



Abbonato, bbp_partecipante, cliente, comunità, 3 risposte.

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2 giorni fa #286630

Same thing I reported previously, a new update came, and error still persists.


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