
Strategies not syncing and getting lost

3 risposte

Santiago Villa

Abbonato, bbp_partecipante, cliente, comunità, 7 risposte.

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3 settimane fa #286156


I’ve had my SQX crash twice in these last couple of days.

1 time it said it ran out of memory, the second time it was my PC restarting.


The problem was that none of the strategies generated and tested (Build and Retest tasks in a Custom Project) got saved. All the databanks were empty when I opened it again and the folders were as well.

The last times I had issues, most of the strategies were saved as they were supposed to get synced.

I hadn’t moved any config before the first crash and checked the config before the second but still lost everything.

Any advice? what else should I check on the configuration to make sure is saving its progress?





Amministratore, sq-ultimate, 2 risposte.

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3 settimane fa #286173


do you have auto-sync enabled to backup regularly?


Santiago Villa

Abbonato, bbp_partecipante, cliente, comunità, 7 risposte.

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2 settimane fa #286185

yes, it is supposed to auto-sync every hour.

However, when I go to SQX/user/projects/projectName/databanks/build is empty.

And when I opened SQX again, the databanks were empty as well



Amministratore, sq-ultimate, 2 risposte.

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2 settimane fa #286213

When you click the “Sync to files now” button do strategy get stored into that folder?

The regular sync should work flawlessly. You can send us logs from {StrategyQuantX}/user/log/strategyquant to [email protected] for an analysis. There might be a reason stated why the issue with sync happens


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