
Changing Boolean Variable to FALSE after being TRUE

2 respostas

Lee Court

Assinante, bbp_participante, 3 respostas.

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2 semanas atrás #286571

Hi, I have a Signal that saves to the Boolean Variable DonchianHit. This variable (presumably) becomes TRUE when the signal criteria is met. I have another BooleanVariable EMAHit. When both are TRUE My LongEntrySignal becomes TRUE and my trade starts.


All fine and works….However, once started I need to reset the Boolean Variable DonchianHit to FALSE so it is ready to use again. How do I do this? (FYI I have no real coding knowledge.) Thank you.



Administrador, sq-ultimate, 2 respostas.

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2 semanas atrás #286586


you can do it with the entry order. The signal occurs, a trade is open and the value is set to False upon entry. See the clip attached what I mean

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Lee Court

Assinante, bbp_participante, 3 respostas.

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2 semanas atrás #286592

Wow! What an amazingly clear video clip of how to do this. Thank you!!


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