
How to set Category of a Custom Coded Signal / Indicator?

2 respostas


Assinante, bbp_participant, cliente, comunidade, sq-ultimate, 22 respostas.

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1 mês atrás #286470


I have a coded custom indicator with conditions.  I would like to change the category that they come under in the Building Blocks section un Signals.  How do I do that?



Administrador, sq-ultimate, 2 respostas.

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3 semanas atrás #286549


not sure what you mean, signals are sorted based on the indicator used



Assinante, bbp_participant, cliente, comunidade, sq-ultimate, 22 respostas.

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3 semanas atrás #286555

Olá, Thomas,

If I create a custom block I can set a custom category that they are organized under but when I create a coded block it seems to take either the base indicator category if it is a condition or the name of the package if it is an indicator. (example below)

“HT Direction” is the category (package name was HTDirection).  I wanted it to match my other custom categories with “(HT) Direction”

I would like to customize the category name like I can in custom blocks for my coded indicators, which would be “(HT) Direction” so that they are all at the top of the building blocks.

Is that possible?  I couldn’t find any attribute to set to allow that.  If not, could I add it as a feature request?

Cordiais cumprimentos,


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