
Pro version is limited to maximum 4 strategies in the portfolio.

1 resposta


Assinante, bbp_participante, cliente, comunidade, 1 respostas.

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2 semanas atrás #286141

Pro version is limited to maximum 4 strategies in the portfolio. Upgrade your license to Ultimate license.

Hello I am attempting to run the portfolio building feature on the program and I get the message above. I am assuming that pro users can build a portfolio with up to 4 strategy’s in the portfolio but when i try to run the portfolio builder I get that message. I have the min strategy’s parameter set to 2 and the max set to 3. If I am able to run the portfolio master feature I would love to figure this out so that i can check it out. Thanks guys loving the application!

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Administrador, sq-ultimate, 2 respostas.

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2 semanas atrás #286166


the limit actually applies onto the number of strategies in databank as well


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