
SQ 4 Business Block, problem of adding a strategy to a Project

1 resposta

Serhii Domin

Assinante, bbp_participante, cliente, comunidade, sq-ultimate, 1 respostas.

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1 mês atrás #285945

Hello friends!

Em SQX there is a problem in the SQ4 Business Block:
When adding some strategies to the Project, an error occurs when adding a strategy (Figure 1).

The full text of the error is given in Figure 2.

Most of my strategies don’t have this problem. But for some strategies it does show up.

What do you recommend doing in this case?
I checked the inability to load some strategies in versions SQX 137 and 138. It doesn’t work.


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Administrador, sq-ultimate, 2 respostas.

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1 mês atrás #286074


would you share the problematic strategy with us? You can send to [email protected] for us to test


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