
StrategyQuant 4

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8 years ago #113941

Hi guys, does anyone know when it will be available version 4? I’m waiting to make the purchase, if the version 4 improved and with many fewer bugs it will buy.


Mark Fric

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8 years ago #131448

I’m sorry, but there is no fixed release date for SQ 4 yet. It is still in the development. I understand you are all impatient, but there is still a lot of work missing there. We are trying to implement it as very open solution, where user will have possibility to extend it in very many ways, and it is not that easy.


Also, we are testing some new very advanced features that have been publicly confirmed yet, I will mention them only after we are sure that we can implement them.

StrategyQuant architect



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8 years ago #131452

Hi fluke,
Why do you wait?

You can buy version 3.8 and you get the version 4 as update.
3.8 is enough to make money.


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8 years ago #131476

tnickel, yes but the version 3.8.1 it’s really buggy. when i’ll use this softare in real, strategies must be perfect.


Mark Fric

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8 years ago #131486

I wouldn’t say current version is buggy.

It is used by many users already who develop and trade strategies live. There could be some minor bugs, but they are just that – minor.


They don’t affect most of the program functionality.

StrategyQuant architect



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8 years ago #131500

I agree, most of the features are correct, but for example, the first bug that did not make me buy the software is what the settings after a while stoned, and then the setting of the retest are those set to improve (for example).
It may seem a little bug, but it is huge, I never sure of making retest correct (many times I realize by mistake)
Mark please do version 3.8.2 fix this major bug?


Mark Fric

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8 years ago #131510

I’m not sure I understand your description, but it seems that th eproblem is that when you retest the strategy you’ll get different results than when the strategy was first generated.


There is no bug related to this in SQ, this case is related to different settings used in generation and retest.

And the solution is also simple – when retesting the strategy, click on it in databank, then go to Results -> Settings and click on Apply Strategy Settings


This will load the settings that were used last time for this strategy to the retester. Then you’ll get exactly the same backtesting results.

StrategyQuant architect



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8 years ago #131511

no, I’ve solved that problem. when I put the file in optimizer gave me other results because I had made new retest and therefore differ from the saved file str.
That’s not the problem, the problem is in setting.
The setting of tab improve, are used as setting tab retest, understand?

Retest: data from 2010 to 2012
Improve: data from 2008 to 2010
When i play the retest, the software retest from 2008 to 2010!!! Wrong!!!

It is clear now?


Mark Fric

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8 years ago #131573

when you use the Apply Strategy Settings to load settings from the strategy it will always load the settings used in the last test. So if you run improve before optimization, it will load settings you used in Improver.


Strategy keeps only the very last settings that were used for the last backtest. But this is not a bug, it is how it works.

StrategyQuant architect



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8 years ago #131578

ok perfect, then you need to write better on the manual, one thing I ask is please to rewrite the manual as it is updated to version 3.7.


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