
Algowizard Sleep function

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Beltran Pernas

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1 year ago #282334


I have been using SQX for the past 8 months and I am really happy with the software. I am struggling with one thing tough.

Let´s say I have a strategy that works on a D1 timeframe. It normally opens trades (CFDs) at the opening (1am) where the spread is very high. I want to, every time my strategy opens a trade, put an extra rule saying open trade after 15 minutes or 1 hour. If the strategy was on a 1 hour timeframe I would just add this condition: “Current hour >1, but I am on a DAILY timeframe.

How do I do this on algowizard? I know I have to use a subchart but I have no idea how to implement it.




Administrator, sq-ultimate, 2 replies.

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1 year ago #282375


use the Sleep function to delay the entry in MetaTrader. See the image attached

The amount of delay is set in milliseconds

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Beltran Pernas

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1 year ago #282379

How Do I create this function. It does not appear on SQX.


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