
Algowizard Strategy to Builder

3 replies

Jonathan Gross

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2 years ago #276720

The Error I am getting is the following:

“Error while running project “Builder”.
Strategy doesn’t have standard format – THEN action is not an order!”

It makes it a bit complicated, that the strategy is insanely simple:
2 times 2 conditions, leading to the opening of a short and long positions
2 times 1 condition, leading to the closing of a short and long position

I have a few building blocks as well, these have anyhow not shown any errors of any kind.

Thank you for any help in advance!

Best regards,



Administrator, sq-ultimate, 2 replies.

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2 years ago #276728


could you attach the strategy project? I will check the structure whether it is correct


Jonathan Gross

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2 years ago #276753

Hi Tomas,

Sure, please find attached. 🙂

Thank you in advance!

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Administrator, sq-ultimate, 2 replies.

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2 years ago #276856


if you want to use this as a template you need to create a new strategy and use “create basic strategy template”. Then add conditions and custom blocks on the first tab under trading signals. This way the template will have a correct structure and should work properly. Otherwise I see nothing wrong with what you try to do


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