
Recent function logic

4 replies


Customer, bbp_participant, community, 723 replies.

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1 year ago #283511

Hey guys
I want to understand the Recent function logic. Maybe with an example, it would help.

recent[5](close[1] < lower BBand)

I want to know what it returns. Is it simply a 1:0 true/false if the above is true in the last 5 bars? Is it returning how many bars back when it was true? Is it returning how many times it was true?

As always ~ thanks for the continued product support for many years.



Administrator, sq-ultimate, 2 replies.

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1 year ago #283584

I am checking with our dev team to be sure, I will let you know



Administrator, sq-ultimate, 2 replies.

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1 year ago #283686

There is currently no function for the “recent” item in the list of available tools. We will be removing it



Customer, bbp_participant, community, 723 replies.

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1 year ago #283687

There is currently no function for the “recent” item in the list of available tools. We will be removing it

Ok. I think an alternate version would make a great function! This is my chance for a possible suggestion:

Recent Condition
It checks X amount of bars back of a condition was true.

I think this would create some new and interesting combinations for systems.



Customer, bbp_participant, community, 723 replies.

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1 year ago #283688

*IF a condition was true.


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