
Totally different drawdown in MT4

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4 years ago #247641

I just made a quick test with TDS in MT4, because I wanted to see, how one of the SQX strategies would have behave on 12th September.

– in SQX I saw at drawdown just -0.3 USD (it is also just because of comission) — THIS IS REAL, the equity is very nice
– in MT4 there was written -35.19 USD, which is not correct, because the equity is the same like in SQX — THIS IS NOT REAL, there were no losses among the 4 trades.

Do you have any idea, why is this phenomenom in MT4?

The SQX works well, just the MT4 is strange… Same nice equity and wrong DD in MT4…

Thank you in advance!

Brg.: Csaba



Administrator, sq-ultimate, 2 replies.

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4 years ago #247695

You can send me the strategy and MT4 backtest report to [email protected]. I will check why there is the difference



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4 years ago #247697

Okay, but I forgot, which were these strategies….. 🙁 If I find it again, I will post it….


Lee Wai Chong

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4 years ago #248888

I am also facing the same problems where there is discrepancy in MT4 tester and SQ.

Sometimes wonder which is actually correct?


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