
Cannot find the indicator

2 replies

Mujahid Zarook

Subscriber, bbp_participant, sq-ultimate, 5 replies.

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11 months ago #284054

When ever created EA , inbuild with strategy quant cannot find indicators where I can have them thanks

2023.11.08 11:22:55.261 2020.03.24 19:07:00 cannot open file ‘C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\11843E83EE9D0C0814D54561FEDE2C78\MQL4\indicators\SqHighestInRange.ex4’ [2]



Administrator, sq-ultimate, 2 replies.

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11 months ago #284087

You can find SQ indicators {StrategyQuant}\custom_indicators\MetaTrader4

Copy that into your MT4 and restart


Mujahid Zarook

Subscriber, bbp_participant, sq-ultimate, 5 replies.

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11 months ago #284091

I got it thanks , Also I am really having trouble to understand it , to make girds EA with closing all ea. together at some % of equity target can you able to guide me through some example sets , is quant strategy has  telegram group to do discussion


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