
Can’t test a single strategy

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Customer, bbp_participant, community, 105 replies.

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1 year ago #281471

Hi, when trying to test a grid strategy via the algoeizard online app or SQ app I keep getting errors (or no errors) and failed backtests.

I’ve recorded a video showing the problem I’d appreciate if you could take a look.

SQ is the latest dev version (since the previous one had bugs as well and I was advised to not use it on another thread here).

I’m frustrated since I only have time to work on these things on the weekend, and then I encounter endless bugs which can’t be resolved immediately and therefore I need to wait and can’t do anything.

Unless there’s really something I am doing wrong, I must say I’m a little disappointed. 3 years ago I took a break from SQ because of endless bugs (it just felt like a constant Beta release), got into other things for a while etc, came back 3 years later and there are even more bugs..



Administrator, sq-ultimate, 2 replies.

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1 year ago #281497

Hi Ilya, would you share you setup with us so we can test what is wrong here. You can delete some rules if you do not want to share the strategy. You can send to [email protected]


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