
Decimation Coefficient – Criteria For Discarding?

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5 years ago #234854

I’m not clear on exactly how the Decimation Coefficient works.
The manual could honestly use some more detailed descriptions for exactly whats happening with some of the obscure settings like this.
Q: What are the criteria used to discard strategies, are the user-defined Custom Conditions used for this discarding, or other criteria?
Q: Are the total number of initial strategies generated = Coefficient x Databank Maximum?

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5 years ago #234879


quoting the PDF manual here:

Decimation coefficient (multiplier) means that the system generates more strategies than needed for initial population, and then chooses only the best. For decimation coefficient is 1 it means there is no decimation.

For decimation coefficient = 2 system generates 2 x population size strategies and then chooses the best half for the initial population.

For decimation coefficient = 3 system generates 3 x population size strategies and then chooses the best third for the initial population.

As for strategy selection SQ uses fitness function value. Higher value = strategy better corresponds to the optimization criteria (Net Profit, Ret/DD etc)




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5 years ago #234880

Hi Tomas,
Thanks for that, I’d seen that section in the manual but it doesn’t specify the method of exclusion.
So I now know it’s Fitness, perhaps you could add that to the documentation.

thanks, Al  🙂

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5 years ago #234893

Hello, quoting the PDF manual here:

As for strategy selection SQ uses fitness function value. Higher value = strategy better corresponds to the optimization criteria (Net Profit, Ret/DD etc)


Hello tomas,

maybe you can define here again exactly what is meant by fitness. a general definition is also missing in the manual.

More precisely:

who defines the values “Net Profit, Ret/DD” or where are they defined? How does the “Fitness” function know exactly what to look for? (each of us defines the word and its content probably a little different)

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