
Does automated trading and technical analysis work?

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8 years ago #114477

Following on from the discussion at:


I thought I would create a new topic. 


I anyone wants to share views on this (does it work, here’s the proof) please do.  There’s no right or wrong answer, let’s keep it open minded and as scientific as we can.


Any links to myfxbook verified results appreciated, doesn’t have to be your own system, just something that proves real money is being made by traders over a number of years. My personal view is it can’t be done by using historical prices alone, you need an edge outside of just number crunching past data.  It needs to know the market sentiment now, and what’s happening in the near future.  Any ideas along these lines welcome.


If technical analysis alone worked, we’d be falling over forex millionaires down the pub. All I see is people getting rich selling courses and books and software.  If you ask where the rich forex retail traders are, they have all mysteriously gone silent on some exotic beach, never to reveal their success.