

Last updated on 21. 1. 2022 by Mark Fric

Viewing and changing strategy parameters – version 2

This is an improved version of this example:

The original StrategyParametersHelper class had only one method to change the parameter values, but it was not easy to get the list of actual parameters the strategy has.

So we created a new version – StrategyParametersHelperV2 class, which has also methods for getting the list of parameters and their values.

Both classes are available for download as attachments to this article.

Note! Because of a small issue in SQ you have to first import and compile the StrategyParametersHelperV2 class, and only after then import & compile the StrategyParameters class.
This issue will be solved in the next SQ Build 136.


StrategyParametersHelperV2 has these methods:

  • setParameters() – sets (modifies) the parameters
  • getParameterNames() – returns a list of parameter names
  • getParameterValues() – returns a list of parameter names and values
  • toString() – converts the list of parameters from previous method to a readable string

We can see how it can be used in the example databank snippet:

package SQ.Columns.Databanks;

import SQ.Utils.StrategyParametersHelperV2;
import com.strategyquant.lib.L;
import com.strategyquant.tradinglib.*;
import com.strategyquant.tradinglib.optimization.WalkForwardMatrixResult;
import com.strategyquant.lib.ValuesMap;

public class StrategyParameters extends DatabankColumn {

    public StrategyParameters() {
        super(L.tsq("Strategy Parameters"), DatabankColumn.Text, ValueTypes.Maximize, 0, 0, 1);


    public double getNumericValue(ResultsGroup results, String resultKey, byte direction, byte plType, byte sampleType) throws Exception {
        return 0;

    public String getValue(ResultsGroup results, String resultKey, byte direction, byte plType, byte sampleType) throws Exception {
        try {
            ValuesMap parameterTypes = new ValuesMap();
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypePeriod, true);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeShift, false);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeConstant, false);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeOtherParam, false);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeEntryLevel, true);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeEntryLogic, false);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeExitUsed, true);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeExitUnused, false);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeBoolean, false);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeTradingOptions, false);

            boolean sameVariablesForLongShort = true;

            return StrategyParametersHelperV2.toString(StrategyParametersHelperV2.getParameterValues(results, parameterTypes, sameVariablesForLongShort));
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return "Error: " + e.getMessage();


You can see that we use the helper method to get parameters and then to convert them to string.

The result (new databank column) will look like this – it will list the specified parameters of given strategy:

Strategy Parameters Snippet example


Note that you can define which parameter types you want to see, and also if you want to use same variable for long and short side – as same as you can do in Optimizer or other parameter settings.


The full code of StrategyParametersHelperV2 class is:

package SQ.Utils;

import com.strategyquant.datalib.TradingException;
import com.strategyquant.lib.SQTime;
import com.strategyquant.lib.ValuesMap;
import com.strategyquant.lib.XMLUtil;
import com.strategyquant.tradinglib.*;
import com.strategyquant.tradinglib.options.TradingOptionsList;
import com.strategyquant.tradinglib.propertygrid.IPGParameter;
import com.strategyquant.tradinglib.propertygrid.ParametersTableItemProperties;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class StrategyParametersHelperV2 {

    public static final Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StrategyParametersHelper.class);

    public static final String ValueDelimiter = "=";
    public static final String ParamDelimiter = ",";

     * Applies parameter values into strategy
     * @param rg
     * @param parameters - colon delimited list of parameters and their values - e.g. param1=123,param2=25.4
     * @param symmetricVariables
     * @param modifyLastSettings
     * @throws Exception
    public static void setParameters(ResultsGroup rg, String parameters, boolean symmetricVariables, boolean modifyLastSettings) throws Exception {

        //Load XML and update variables
        StrategyBase strategyBase = getStrategyBase(rg, symmetricVariables);
        Variables variables = strategyBase.variables();

        String[] params = parameters.split(ParamDelimiter);
        HashMap<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<>();

        for(int i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
            String[] values = params[i].split(ValueDelimiter);
            paramMap.put(values[0], values[1]);

        for(int a=0; a<variables.size(); a++) {
            Variable variable = variables.get(a);
            if(paramMap.containsKey(variable.getName())) {


        rg.specialValues().setString(StatsKey.OPTIMIZATION_PARAMETERS, parameters);

            try {
                Element lastSettings = XMLUtil.stringToElement(rg.getLastSettings());
                Element elParams = lastSettings.getChild("Options").getChild("BuildTradingOptions").getChild("Params");
                List<Element> paramElems = elParams.getChildren("Param");

                List<TradingOption> tradingOptions = TradingOptionsList.getInstance().getAvailableClasses();

                for(String paramName : paramMap.keySet()) {
                    boolean processed = false;

                    //we must find the right trading option
                    for(int i=0; i<tradingOptions.size(); i++) {
                        if(processed) break;

                        TradingOption option = tradingOptions.get(i);
                        String optionClass = option.getClass().getSimpleName();
                        ArrayList<IPGParameter> optionParams = option.getParams();

                        //go through its params and find the one with matching name
                        for(int z=0; z<optionParams.size(); z++) {
                            if(processed) break;

                            IPGParameter optionParam = optionParams.get(z);
                            String paramKey = optionParam.getKey();

                            if(!optionParam.getName().equals(paramName)) continue;

                            //now find the right Param element in settings XML and update its value
                            for(int s=0; s<paramElems.size(); s++) {
                                Element elParam = paramElems.get(s);
                                String elParamClass = elParam.getAttributeValue("className");
                                String elParamKey = elParam.getAttributeValue("key");

                                if(elParamClass != null && elParamKey != null && elParamClass.equals(optionClass) && elParamKey.equals(paramKey)) {
                                    String value = paramMap.get(paramName);

                                    if(optionParam.getType() == ParametersTableItemProperties.TYPE_TIME) {
                                        value = "" + SQTime.HHMMToMinutes(Integer.parseInt(value)) * 60;


                                    processed = true;

            catch(Exception e){
                Log.error("Cannot apply trading options params to last settings", e);

     * Returns an ArrayList of strategy parameter names
     * @param rg
     * @param parameterTypes
     * @param symmetricVariables
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static ArrayList<String> getParameterNames(ResultsGroup rg, ValuesMap parameterTypes, boolean symmetricVariables) throws Exception {
        HashMap<String, String> paramsMap = getParameterValues(rg, parameterTypes, symmetricVariables);

        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

        return list;

     * Returns a map containing strategy parameter names and values
     * @param rg
     * @param parameterTypes - ValuesMap specifying ParametrizationTypes to check. If null, recommended parameter types are used.
     * @param symmetricVariables
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static HashMap<String, String> getParameterValues(ResultsGroup rg, ValuesMap parameterTypes, boolean symmetricVariables) throws Exception {
        StrategyBase strategyBase = getStrategyBase(rg, symmetricVariables);
        Variables variables = strategyBase.variables();

        HashMap<String, String> paramsList = new HashMap<>();

        boolean useRecommended = parameterTypes == null || parameterTypes.getBoolean(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeRecommended, false);

            parameterTypes = new ValuesMap();
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypePeriod, true);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeEntryLevel, true);
            parameterTypes.set(ParametrizationTypes.ParamTypeExitUsed, true);

        for(int a=0; a<variables.size(); a++) {
            Variable variable = variables.get(a);
            String variableType = variable.getParamType();

            String varName = variable.getName();
            if(varName.equals("LongEntrySignal") || varName.equals("ShortEntrySignal") || varName.equals("LongExitSignal") || varName.equals("ShortExitSignal") || varName.equals("MagicNumber")) {
                // skip parameters that don't need to be set here

            if(variableType == null || parameterTypes.getBoolean(variableType, false)){
                paramsList.put(variable.getName(), variable.getValue());

        return paramsList;

     * Returns a value of selected parameter
     * @param rg
     * @param symmetricVariables
     * @param parameterName
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static String getParameterValue(ResultsGroup rg, boolean symmetricVariables, String parameterName) throws Exception {
        StrategyBase strategyBase = getStrategyBase(rg, symmetricVariables);
        Variables variables = strategyBase.variables();
        Variable variable = variables.get(parameterName);

        if(variable == null) return null;

        return variable.getValue();

     * Converts parameter map to string
     * @param parametersMap
     * @return
    public static String toString(HashMap<String, String> parametersMap){
        if(parametersMap == null) return null;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for(String name : parametersMap.keySet()){

        return sb.length() > ParamDelimiter.length() ? sb.substring(ParamDelimiter.length()) : sb.toString();

    private static StrategyBase getStrategyBase(ResultsGroup rg, boolean symmetricVariables) throws Exception {
        StrategyBase xmlS = StrategyBase.createXmlStrategy(rg.getStrategyXml());
        return xmlS;





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9. 2. 2022 12:10 pm

It was exactly what I was looking for !!!!!! This is very helpful

Thank you very much !!!!!!

8. 7. 2023 12:30 pm

Very interesting. Thank you Mark !

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