
Video Tutorial SQ Max Speed & Performance CPU,Ram,Disk & Extra 6k Strategy Quest challenge

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7 years ago #115334

// This is the link of the video , Check it out hopefully you will like it . YES i am arabic and the accent follows
me to death so if you have a problem with it “I am verry Sorry but i have to KILL YOU”

A big credit goes to “GeekTrader” , This Video tutorial is to teach you how to max speed of SQ 3 .
Tweaking CPU,rams and hard drives / SSD ‘s

The original post is like 10 pages + which seems bit complicated for beginners here so i explained it
step by step in this video + added more tweaks of my own (Hope it helps out beginners and even pro users of SQ).

End of the video is a quest for people to contribute more by filtering some good strategies and show us the procedure .. I am sure each pro will choose a different strategy(ies) we got to learn from the contributes.

Links of the video:

* Strategies :

* Java Version 9 :…

* The scipt To use for the batch opening of SQ, Create new .bat file and add these line of codes and press
save . Watch the video to learn how to tweak the parameters.




@echo off
set NumberOfSQInstances=10
set MainSQLocation=C:/StrategyQuant
set TempSQLocation=C:/temp
set SQParameters=-J-server -J-Xmx1g -J-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -J-XX:+AggressiveOpts -J-XX:+UseSerialGC 
rmdir “%MainSQLocation%/temp” /S /Q
rmdir “%MainSQLocation%/log” /S /Q
rmdir “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp” /S /Q
mkdir “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp”
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%NumberOfSQInstances%) DO (
mkdir “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp/%%A”
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%NumberOfSQInstances%) DO (
compact /c /s:”%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp/%%A”
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%NumberOfSQInstances%) DO (
xcopy “%MainSQLocation%” “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp/%%A” /E /Y
CD “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp/%%A”
start /LOW StrategyQuant64.exe %SQParameters%

This is a new Script if you want to rename each instance so you can know each instance job . ( if you do not need this option use the above code )
1- NumberOfSQInstances= “to whatever number of instance you want to run” Lets say “X” instances
2- set arrayline[1]=CrossMaStrategyInstance
set arrayline[2]=RSIStrategyInstance
…. Continue declaring more to fit your X instances
lets say we want 3 instances so i ll add one more

The code is :


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set NumberOfSQInstances=2
set arrayline[1]=CrossMaStrategyInstance
set arrayline[2]=RSIStrategyInstance
set MainSQLocation=C:/StrategyQuant
set TempSQLocation=C:/temp
set SQParameters=-J-server -J-Xmx1g -J-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -J-XX:+AggressiveOpts -J-XX:+UseSerialGC
rmdir “%MainSQLocation%/temp” /S /Q
rmdir “%MainSQLocation%/log” /S /Q
rmdir “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp” /S /Q
mkdir “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp”
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%NumberOfSQInstances%) DO (
mkdir “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp/!arrayline[%%A]!”
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%NumberOfSQInstances%) DO (
compact /c /s:”%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp/!arrayline[%%A]!”
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%NumberOfSQInstances%) DO (
xcopy “%MainSQLocation%” “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp/!arrayline[%%A]!” /E /Y
CD “%TempSQLocation%/strategyquant-temp/!arrayline[%%A]!”
rename StrategyQuant64.exe !arrayline[%%A]!.exe
start /LOW !arrayline[%%A]!.exe %SQParameters%



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7 years ago #139717

I ll send you email try to fix that . Adding GB is good idea for sure in anyway

If you have some additional information that can help anyone with a dual Xeon CPU set-up it would be greatly appreciated if you could share it here for all.  From reading your other posts it seems apparent to me that most of us, including myself, don’t have the technical knowledge of the current state of art hardware or how to optimize SQ to work with these different platforms.  We can all gain from your insights.



Never give up!



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7 years ago #139721

I dont want to repeat myself dave thats why i sent you email . They all know my optinion about SQ . 

I dont suggest you go for xeon cpu ! and ecc rams Slow like hell . 

If you look at sq4 as you saw the devs has already produced it and then when they finish the product they will optimize it for multi thread . Usually to have a great multithread app devs begin working on that before day 1 of beginning the app.

Mark has a lot to do and to deliver (hard task and gj for them) . But the multithreading (using all cores will not be efficient when they work in a reverse way ) they will try their best here and there to make it good utilising for multi cores.


Thats why i always suggest GO for HIGH SPEED CPU (OVERCLOCK IT) cheapest is 6700 or 6800 . 6 cores overclock to 4.4-4.6 will outperform the 16 cores of xeon !

the ddr4 is much faster than the ecc rams of xeons like 3200 – 3600 speed vs 2100 .

Cpu is used by sq at full speed while in xeon its not using the cores efficiently . even if u open multi apps with the script u still share the io of the pc rams …. all resources is shared so better to have Low number of cores for SQ at huge speed .


I tried many servers xeon and i7’s , any OC i7 pc will be better tha a 24 to 36 cores xeons (useless for sq)  



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7 years ago #139725

Agree with you @gentmat,

here is something you can do 🙂


check this CPU cooler, got this one already :), if you take an i7 and build a fan base like this, you can OC the hell out of it!



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7 years ago #139727

Agree with you @gentmat,
here is something you can do 🙂

check this CPU cooler, got this one already :), if you take an i7 and build a fan base like this, you can OC the hell out of it!

Karish is joking with you , dont go buy 40 corsair fans 😀 to get -7 c , its sgainst the law of physics, you cant turn air and water into ice block . 1 pull push will give u same result as 40 fans .
Bigger the radiator space the better thats it

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7 years ago #139728

gentmat ,

got your email, and thank you very much for the information about the system  configurations on SQ,   




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7 years ago #139733

lol, you can do something similar not 40 fans but 10 or 20 will do the job to OC the heck out of the i7 CPU,

planning to do that also 



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7 years ago #139734

lol, you can do something similar not 40 fans but 10 or 20 will do the job to OC the heck out of the i7 CPU,
planning to do that also

Dont do that a room have 24c a fan push this air , one fan can push lets say 500 / hr now if u put 2 ull push 1000 fine . Now u begin to press the air into this tunnel of fans the blades begin to be an obstacle as they are not 100% aligned neither they are at full blade sync position after 2 fans u begin to loose u are back to 500.
Lets hope for a miracle and full sync u still pushing 500 in a little radiator area of water u wont benefit from fans anymore .
1 push fan vs 2 fans push pull wont give u a 1c degree benefit . People tend to push pull just to make fan lower speed at lowest 400+400 = 800 thats it .
1 fan at 3000 full speed will push the room temp and thats it u cant go beyond room temp pushing . Dont waste ur money .
Bigger radiator space thats it

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7 years ago #139735

lol, you can do something similar not 40 fans but 10 or 20 will do the job to OC the heck out of the i7 CPU,
planning to do that also

The guy in the video is obviously joking . Wasnt funny as people beleived him ! Why not .
And btw -1 = ice

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7 years ago #139746

After I reduce the number of instance to 16, and gave each of them 2GB ram allocation, they seems running fine for more than 36 hrs now,

although each memory usage is slightly up , it is still only 700Mb,

therefor the cause of crash is high likely due to the lack of the  memory and/or the heavy loading of the CPU, which is now less than 60%.

i also noticed SQ has a memory clearance bottom, each time i clicked it , the memory usage can reduce a bit ,but will come back quickly, just wonder if the program can handle the ram to reduce the usage automatically when using too much instead of crash. hope this will be done in SQ4. again Thank you guys for helpful info  on this issues.



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7 years ago #139754

After I reduce the number of instance to 16, and gave each of them 2GB ram allocation, they seems running fine for more than 36 hrs now,
although each memory usage is slightly up , it is still only 700Mb,
therefor the cause of crash is high likely due to the lack of the memory and/or the heavy loading of the CPU, which is now less than 60%.
i also noticed SQ has a memory clearance bottom, each time i clicked it , the memory usage can reduce a bit ,but will come back quickly, just wonder if the program can handle the ram to reduce the usage automatically when using too much instead of crash. hope this will be done in SQ4. again Thank you guys for helpful info on this issues.

They are working on sq4 . Yes the gc garbage allocation not working properly save ur self from clicking the button

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7 years ago #139826

it ran with 64GB ram with 24 jobs on it now , each job was allocated 2GB ram, it has been 5 day no crash happen, also it ran with primocache.

So it seems not bad with the setup, and the ram usage is keeping flat at 1GB.



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7 years ago #140235

Hi Gentmat,


I followed your instructions, but mine run for about an hour and then the instances stop one after the other with the attached message.


I am running 8 instances on a quad core i7 with 16GB RAM, and have allocated 1 thread and 1GB RAM to each.


With all of them running, Task Manager shows that I am not exhausting all of my RAM.

It looks more like every instance is trying to use more than the 1GB that is allocated to it.


In your video, I think your instances only used about 500MB even though you assigned 1GB.


Do you know what is going wrong and how to fix it?







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7 years ago #140236

Hi Gentmat,

I followed your instructions, but mine run for about an hour and then the instances stop one after the other with the attached message.

I am running 8 instances on a quad core i7 with 16GB RAM, and have allocated 1 thread and 1GB RAM to each.

With all of them running, Task Manager shows that I am not exhausting all of my RAM.
It looks more like every instance is trying to use more than the 1GB that is allocated to it.

In your video, I think your instances only used about 500MB even though you assigned 1GB.

Do you know what is going wrong and how to fix it?


Yeah it depands on the ram , op system to handle garbage collector and so on.
Please try to give it 1.5 gb of memory for each instance.
So either buy extra ram or allocate 2 threads for 1 instance and use more memory

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7 years ago #140237

Tx. Will try. Forgot to mention this was with Zulu 9.



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7 years ago #140238

Tx. Will try. Forgot to mention this was with Zulu 9.

I understand even if its zulu

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