Machine vs VPS vs Dedicated Server for SQ X
20 replies

6 years ago #236855
I have basically 3 options at the moment:
– I can get a machine (Workstation) with 2 X Intel Xeons 2.60GHZ E5-2670 Octa Core (So 32 threads overall), 64gb DDR 3 ECC RAM with an SSD drive for around 1000$.
– I can get a VPS on contabo with 10 cores (20 threads, E5-2620v3, E5-2630v4 or 4114 processor) with 64GB ram & SSD for around 30 euro/month.
– I can get a Hetzner dedicated server with a AMD Ryzen 7 1700X (8 cores 16 threads) and 64GB DDR4 ram & SSD for around 70 euro/month.
What do you guys think would be the best cost/performance decision?
6 years ago #238202
About latency…if one is trading scalping strategies that its very important to have a small latency. With end of day systems and a large every trade this is less important. With contabo servers are located in Germany and latency will be probably too big for scalping strategies.
I am very happy . If I recally correctly they have latency reports on their website to different brokers.
Brikis Rawkil
3 years ago #274785
Have a good day, Ilya! In my opinion, you need to go with the second option
Brikis Rawkil
3 years ago #274808
Brikis Rawkil
3 years ago #274809
Have a good day, Ilya! In my opinion, you need to go with the second option. Using the VPS service today has a good perspective. First of all, you don’t need to pay the electricity bills and take care of the physical machines. Especially the second option you mentioned looking very good- *on contabo with 10 cores (20 threads, E5-2620v3, E5-2630v4 or 4114 processor) with 64GB ram & SSD for around 30 euro/month.* This opinion looks really great, and the pricing is awesome, so you can buy this cheap VPS server.
7 months ago #286666
I used when I used StrategyQuant. Worked excellent on their mid level plans. They have dedicated servers if you sign up which I ran backtesting on. Was quick, cheap, and no issues with crashing/rebooting.