
Yahoo EOD download

2 replies

Roland Hoeltgen

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2 years ago #275977

I notice that Yahoo EOD download does not work reliable. When I start I get my data for 15-20 tickers.
from then on i alwas get errors. In the log I see:

2022.1.3 18:10 SPQ Error while performing SPQ data download. Cannot download data from Yahoo. Reason: { “finance”: { “error”: { “code”: “Unauthorized”, “description”: “Invalid cookie” } } }
2022.1.3 18:10 SLB Error while performing SLB data download. Cannot download data from Yahoo. Reason: { “finance”: { “error”: { “code”: “Unauthorized”, “description”: “Invalid cookie” } } }

and more errorlines with “unauthorized” and “invalid cookie”. When I pause the downoad for a few minutes and continue,
I get again some data, then I start getting errors again.

how can we fix that?



Administrator, sq-ultimate, 2 replies.

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2 years ago #275980


I see the issue. The Yahoo is a free source and can be very limited. Developers can look into this and check but if you need more reliable data source please use our EOD data feed


Marcus Smith

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2 years ago #276176

I don’t use Yahoo so can’t judge the error. Just wanted to share my experience. I use google chrome and no problem. Hope that you are all well


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