Last updated on 22. 5. 2020 by Mark Fric
Results – Source code
Source code tab is where you’ll get the result of the program. For every selected strategy it generates source code for the selected trading platform.
- Pseudo Code – human readable pseudo code of the strategy. You can see the strategy logic and you can use it for manual trading.
- Expert Advisor for MetaTrader4 – the EA code for MetaTrader 4. You can save the EA code to MetaTrader/experts directory and you’ll be able to run your new EA in MetaTrader 4.
- Expert Advisor for MetaTrader5 – the EA code for MetaTrader 5. You can save the EA code to MetaTrader/experts directory and you’ll be able to run your new EA in MetaTrader 5.
- EasyLanguage for Tradestation/MultiCharts – the code for TradeStation platform. It can be also compiled in MutliCharts trading platform
- Strategy XML – allows you to see the strategy definition in XML format
There are also other options:
- Parameter variables – configuration how you want the strategy parameters (periods, numbers, etc.) generated. They can be either left as numbers, or they can be parametrized – which means they will be configurable in your trading platform.
- MM(Money Management) used – you can either generate source code with Money Management that was used in the last strategy test, or you can choose a different MM
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All versions of the code call functions that are not defined in the code. Where can I find definitions of all functions called? The code is incomplete and appears to rely on proprietary libraries.
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